When you’re working on a variety of projects for different clients, volunteer groups, and events, time management is important. When you’re working on your own projects, time management is essential. I discovered the difficulty of managing my own time since leaving my 9-5 in the summer and starting a number of my own projects, this blog included.
I’ll admit it, I’m addicted to Facebook. It’s such a handy tool for maintaining connections and promoting/finding great events and projects. I see its value too much to delete my account (those algorithms have got me figured out!). But, I could get that value from one tenth of the time I spend on it.
I’ve tried it all. Changing my password to ‘DoINeedToLogIn?!?’. Setting Facebook browser blockers. Setting website trackers. None seemed to work. But then, I found my adored trick: the Pomodoro Timer.

I found out about this productivity tool in a roundabout way. I have read my fair share of “X habits of Stupefyingly Productive People” articles online, but they were not the source. I discovered it by following the activities of fellow campers at Free Code Camp, the free learn-to-code-and-help-non-profits online ‘camp’ (which, on another note, is really, really great). One of the projects, which pops up in posts and tweets a lot, is the campers’ versions of a Pomodoro Clock. Intrigued by the name and by the fact it was built by a fellow would-be coder a few (or a few thousand) steps ahead of me. Read more